Thursday, September 22, 2016

The past few weeks in Israel were full of flashbacks to last summer’s Gaza war.

The past few weeks in Israel were full of flashbacks to last summer’s Gaza war. Though the war and knifings in our streets are miles apart in similarity, the media and the US government leaders have leveled the same kinds of negative charges against Israel during both scenarios. We Israeli Jews are really getting tired of the constant equating of Israelis with terrorists. This is emotional warfare and I know I shouldn’t let it get me down, but it is so immoral and so awful to see very few Americans stand up against it.
We are sick of the fight. We are sick of the Arabs. I don’t have scientific numbers, but many of us will never trust an Arab again. The question was raised in an online forum. Over 60% said they’d never trust Arabs again. Sample of comments include:
As long as they teach their children to hate how could anyone trust such a people?
It has been said, “We never trust an Arab ever after 40 years dead in his tomb''
We have to be blind or hypnotized to believe that Muslims will ever want peace with Jews or even Christians.
Never did & never will.
I myself have lost any interest in attempting to be friendly with Arabs on the train, where we are thrown together, as temporary as that is. My hope is that never again will they let Arabs ride the train. It is nice with them locked down in their towns - they can just stay there until Israel gets the courage to deport them.
Arab Muslims do not belong in Israel. They don’t share Jewish values and make life harder for us than it already is. They break the pollution laws, steal our electricity, stab us in the back, and attack us for praying in our holy place, all witnessed by me personally. If they’re so unhappy here, they should move to be with their people and practice their Sharia instead of enjoying the freedom and democracy Israel gives them.
And don’t call me racist, because Islam isn’t a race. It’s not a religion either. Rather it’s a despicable ideology masquerading as a religion.
Some may think these are strong words. After six years of personally enduring the constant rioting and tearing down of Israel by these thugs, I’ve lost any remaining patience. They need to go and go soon. Those who want to judge me can have a few thousand of these barbarians; they should be sent to Washington DC where Obama can community-organize them. Then Israel can breathe again.
There is no truth to the lies Obama and Kerry spread about Israel. Bibi extends the olive branch to the PA, inviting them for talks – to the chagrin of many of us - and is rebuffed, but still gets blamed for terrorists murdering us. PA leader Abbas accepts billions of dollars of foreign aid and spends it on his own luxuries. He has ignored the need for a new election in the PA and though only elected once, has anointed himself dictator. And the US citizens, except for some Christian friends of Israel, yawn, not even raising a stink even though every taxpayer is the victim of his theft.
I challenge anyone reading this to please show me why Netanyahu should be cited for inciting Israelis against Arabs. Show me the number of Jews who have prowled Arab neighborhoods and stuck knives into innocent Arabs, innocent boys riding their bikes, or mothers pushing strollers. All of these kinds of attacks by Arabs are documented by the media.
Show me the videos of Bibi ranting on social media telling Israelis to murder Arabs. Show me the how-to videos on stabbing of Arabs put out on social media or TV. Show me the cartoons aimed at Jewish children which teach them to hate Arabs and to kill them.
And while you’re at it, show me the massive building of new settlements in Israel, which according to Kerry, are the cause of the Arab frustration and unrest, causing them to randomly jump out at Israelis and barbarically stab them to death. The truth is, I’ve been waiting six years for our town to build a new neighborhood so maybe we could afford to buy a house, but no, we’re in an undeclared building freeze here. Our mayor told me it is Bibi’s fear of Obama that prevents our building of homes. Yet on the other side of the highway, Arabs have built illegal homes all the way to East Jerusalem. Yeah, I’m sick of Arabs. But I don’t stick knives in them out of my own very real frustration.